Brexit Byte #6 – VAT refunds from the UK for EU registered companies

When Brexit bites, if you are an EU VAT registered company, it will no longer be possible for you to use your local VAT portal to claim VAT from the UK.
A paper-based process is likely to be required that is similar to the process currently used for claims against Norway or Switzerland, but currently we do not know the deadline for submission of these claims.

No need to worry if you are already using euVAT’s online reclaim system . This will automatically use procedures and legislation relevant to your country of establishment.

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Brexit Byte #4 – VAT refunds from the EU for UK registered companies

It will no longer be possible to use the HMRC VAT portal to claim VAT from EU member states. A special process (paper based) similar to that required for companies outside of Europe will be required for each country and these for the most part have to be submitted by post. Again it should also be noted that the time limits for making claims could be different to the current dates.
EUVAT Online provides a very low cost automated VAT Reclaim service to facilitate this. To find out more go to:

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Brexit Byte #2 – VAT refunds for Companies OUTSIDE of the EU and UK

Companies outside of the current EU will still be able to claim refunds of VAT from the UK and other EU member states using the procedure for non-EU businesses (13th Directive). This remains subject to the rules in each EU member state – what countries you can claim from, what you can claim and how to claim varies from member state to member state.

Deadlines for submitting claims also vary – example deadline for UK is 31 December, many others June, others in September.
By the way don’t miss out – approximately £50bn goes unclaimed from Europe every year.

If you are not sure whether your company qualifies, you can check your status at
Do pass this tip onto anybody else that might have incurred VAT in the UK.

#brexitplanning #brexitready #vat #eu

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